Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Debut

What's a new grad who majored in English Language Arts & minored in Media Studies to do with this new found free time? Make her debut into the Blogosphere of course! I came up with the title "Poetry, Prose & Pumps" three things that I take delight in. I have been writing poetry since I was an insecure teen. Now that I am a G.A.W (grown ass woman), my writing has matured and I have a body of work that includes a play, short stories, essays, and creative writing pieces. I plan to use this space to share them from time to time. And the pumps part, well I've been in love with high heels since age 8. I would put on Mommy's best pumps and pretend I was Tina Tuner: jean jacket, black mini, big hair and all. Pictures of my most coveted shoes---the ones I wished I owned--- will be showcased on this blog as well. I'm doing this purely for me- for my love of words & writing and a mean shoe. But I do want to hear from you. Let me know when you feel me and when you don't. That's all for now folks but please stay tuned.


  1. You go girl!!!! I will be one of your main followers....keep doin what ya do!

  2. Now this is what I'm talking about, show them how its done. you know I will be checking in with you.

  3. BdotJ I totally feel you! I love the poetry, pros...
    BdotJ I totally feel you! I love the poetry, prose, & pumps title. How incredibly creative. And girl, I can't wait to check in on those pics of your mean shoe collection!(the ones that you do own, and those that you wish you did own). I'm also looking forward to reading some creative writing.
