Thursday, April 15, 2010

****ADDENDUM*** Subway Lessons

In light of my subway ride home, I realized there are a few things that I forgot to mention:

  • Rush hour is more than an hour: AM 7-10 , PM 4-7. So plan accordingly because the train will be crowded.
  • Your bag did not pay $2.25 so move it off the darn seat.
  • When boarding please move into the middle where there is empty space. The scores of people boarding after you don't care if you're getting off next stop.
  • If you feel your eyes getting heavy, automatically point your head downward. The person next to you doesn't want to be head butted while you nod in & out of sleep. And they don't want their shoulder used as a head rest either.
  • Please do not commence to eating a 3 course meal on the train. The train car doesn't substitute for a cafeteria or your front porch. It's INAPPROPRIATE.
  • This is also not the place for personal grooming of any kind. Clipping fingernails, applying lotion to your cracked heels, digging in your ears or anything similar will not be tolerated. HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE.
  • Lastly the GOLDEN RULE, give up your seat to a pregnant or elderly person when you're able. It shows that you're kind and that you have class.

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