Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coin Toss

Your presence lifts me,
I was heartbroken to the core.
Many nights I prayed for the image of you
And was blessed with so much more
We share kisses like M&Ms
Intoxication is your scent
I have found shelter in you
Love is my landlord & pays my rent
Eternity will be our time together
We have a fire no one can tame
You are so sweet, a gift divine
I'll gladly wear your name
We dine on each others caress
And sail away on love
Hands held we skip across the moon
Shuffle and repeat all of the above

Your presence weighs me down
I wonder who is to blame
I lost myself in you
So foolish to give up my name
We no longer utter sweet nothings
Instead we scream, fuss and fight
I once could not bear to leave you
Now I plan my escape at night
Will eternity be my sentence
I ponder knowing our flame has dwindled
Is this union a gift or a curse?
I believe my heart was swindled
We are together but on our own
So we don't drown on love
Plummeting back to earth one by one
Let's try not to hold a grudge

These 2 poems reflect the stages that all relationships go through:
Brand New: Every moment together is wonderful, exciting, and perfect
True Colors:You are now comfortable in the relationship and the best behavior act you had going slowly fades- You chew with your mouth open, burp & don't say excuse. Are never on time & always have an excuse as to why. Fart on purpose in the midst of a conversion, etc.
Second Guessing: You miss being single and doing things on your own terms, on your own time, in your own way.
Rough patch: You disagree about a lot and argue more and more
: You no longer react to the things that bother you and focus only on your happiness
Separation: You have grown completely cold & think it might be best to take a time out or end it before it gets worse
Renewed Love: Something changes in your heart & your mind and you remember how & why you fell in love

A relationship that stands the test of time will go through all of these, probably more than once.
And it will be that much stronger because of it.

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