Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Classics

What are all the just rights needed to make a movie Classic?
Let's see.... A just right title coupled with a just right cast and just right performances held together by a just right storyline. That sounds just about right but it's nowhere near that simple.

It's being able to relate to the characters on the screen (16 Candles/Set It Off/Pretty Woman/Juice)
It's the grandeur and fantasy of a scene that looks so effortless (Any 007, Pirates of the Caribbean)
It's scaring the shit out of you that you close your eyes tight but then open one because you don't want to miss what comes next (Freddy, Jason, Jigsaw)
It's being able to tap into the emotions you keep sealed tight or didn't realize you had (Beaches/The Color Purple/Precious)
It's the music & the dances (Grease/Purple Rain/Dirty Dancing)

It's the Razzle Dazzle -the fashion-the glamour (Devil Wears Prada/Sex&The City/Dreamgirls)
It's the ability to make you lough out loud- until you are drooling and your side starts hurting (Coming to America/Friday/Wedding Crashers/The Hangover)
It's the catch phrases that become ingrained in your mental casings because you've repeated them over and over:
1. You told Harpo 'ta beat me.....I's married now, I said I'se married now
3. Sexual Chocolate, Sexual Chocolate
4. Puff puff pass.. you messing up the rotation
5. King Kong aint got nothing on me

Well at least that's what it is for me...
Here are some trailers to upcoming movies that promise to be Instant Classics

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