Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Why can't I tell you
Just how much you mean to me
How I want to share this world
and hold your hand
Know it's okay to say you're MY MAN
No I can't tell you
That your constantly on my mind
And how I hope, I wish, I pray
for the opportune time
When we will be one
But this I can never say
That I want to open & close my eyes to you
I want to love you for all of our days
Quench your thirst, scratch your back
Learn you inside out
Increase your worth
Comfort you
Break news to You first
I want to be lifetime lovers & friends
Want a relationship that with time
into a family
Want us to be together
But this I can never say

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Food is Love

To all my Foodies out there- putcha hands up! LOL! Seriously there are a couple of upcoming food festivals for all those who enjoy culture & cuisine.

First Up- The LUCKYRICE Festival sponsored by NY 1- April 29th to May 2nd. The festival kicks off with a cocktail party at the Bowery Hotel and includes a week of fun/food themed events like the Art of Dumpling Making and a Night Market. Be sure to check out the website for ticket pricing and availability.

When the festival ends, Asian Restaurant Week begins- May 3rd to May 9th.
Some of NYC's bests restaurants and bars will feature Asian inspired dishes and tasting menus at a discounted price. Buddakan, China Grill, & Indochine are a few of the participating restaurants, see Open Table for a complete listing.

Next up is The Great American Food & Music Festival- June 13th at the New Meadowlands Stadium. Celebrity Chef appearances include- Ms. Paula Deen, Tom Colicchio (Top Chef), Duff Goldman (Ace of Cakes) and others.
Musical performers include, Melinda Doolittle (American Idol), Buckwheat Zydeco, Bob Schnedider & more. Be sure to visit the site for details.

So there you have it- two fabulous food & music festivals to enjoy. What's not to like?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Anthem

My name is Blamo, pronounced Blah-mo. It derives from a Liberian dialect and it means Wisdom. It's fairly simple. Only two syllables, short & sweet and when said properly has a nice ring to it. Sadly, many people completely screw it up. I've been called some of the craziest names:
  • Blama 

  • Lama

  • Blame

  • Blanca

  • Bialy (like the bagel) 

  • Bronco (SMH)

  • and Betty (WTF?) 

Thank you Ting Tings for creating a chorus for me to break into when yet another person botches up Blamo...  

Feeling Flat

Being vertically challenged ( I'm 5'1 and 3/4ths) (and yes the extra inches count) I enjoy heels because they make me taller and my stride that much spunkier. But let me be real, by midday I'm walking like a bow-legged midget with indigestion and my heels are tossed to the side, under my desk.Wearing heels 24/7 isn't practical and it certainly isn't me. 
I love, love, love a nice flat. One with texture, tassels, kilties, ruffles, gemstones, peep-toes... one with personality & pizazz!

There is nothing flat about these Tod's Heaven Laccetto Loafers
I'm sure to feel 10 feet tall in these or at least 5'3 ;-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Classics

What are all the just rights needed to make a movie Classic?
Let's see.... A just right title coupled with a just right cast and just right performances held together by a just right storyline. That sounds just about right but it's nowhere near that simple.

It's being able to relate to the characters on the screen (16 Candles/Set It Off/Pretty Woman/Juice)
It's the grandeur and fantasy of a scene that looks so effortless (Any 007, Pirates of the Caribbean)
It's scaring the shit out of you that you close your eyes tight but then open one because you don't want to miss what comes next (Freddy, Jason, Jigsaw)
It's being able to tap into the emotions you keep sealed tight or didn't realize you had (Beaches/The Color Purple/Precious)
It's the music & the dances (Grease/Purple Rain/Dirty Dancing)

It's the Razzle Dazzle -the fashion-the glamour (Devil Wears Prada/Sex&The City/Dreamgirls)
It's the ability to make you lough out loud- until you are drooling and your side starts hurting (Coming to America/Friday/Wedding Crashers/The Hangover)
It's the catch phrases that become ingrained in your mental casings because you've repeated them over and over:
1. You told Harpo 'ta beat me.....I's married now, I said I'se married now
3. Sexual Chocolate, Sexual Chocolate
4. Puff puff pass.. you messing up the rotation
5. King Kong aint got nothing on me

Well at least that's what it is for me...
Here are some trailers to upcoming movies that promise to be Instant Classics

Vibrant Thang

This Christian Louboutin "Damask" pump takes me right back to J-A-M- JAMAICA! Last week  3 friends & I were able to ditch New York's fickle Spring weather for Montego Bay's decadent sunshine, luxurious sand beaches, and its gemstone colored ocean.

This shoe is unapologetically charismatic and vibrant just like the people on the island. Case in point, as soon as we were ready to locate our shuttle to the hotel, a fast talking overzealous bag handler quickly greeted us with compliments, freed us of our overbearing luggage and escorted us to our bus. Or should I say THE WRONG BUS! We soon discovered the mix up, (as our actual bus rode away) reclaimed our belongings, and were back out in the unforgiving tropical sun -only to see said handler accompanying a new set of female tourists. In light of the generous tip we gave him, we thought it necessary to inform him of his mistake, to which he replied- "It was jus a grammatical error!" LOL!

I can sooo see my knock-kneed self in these pumps-doing the Pepperseed & the Bogle with RiRi on blast:Come here, rude boy boy Can you get it up? Come here, rude boy boy Is you big enough? Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Homeless & Hungry?

I hate to waste food because I know that there are starving people all over the world. In New York, there are homeless people on just about every corner and definitely in every subway. As such, I always get any decent portion of leftovers wrapped up to give to a person I'm sure to come across in my travels. However on this particular day, I made this plate of gourmet sandwiches and cookies leftover from a work event for my mother. She works the night shift at a nursing home and I thought it would be nice for her & her coworkers to have a decent snack while they shoot the breeze at 3:30 am. As expected, a homeless man came on the train asking for change. I smelled him before he even approached me- torn and soiled pants, sharp long uneven nails, filthy hands. I offered him the food with a sincere smile ---not screwing up my face in disgust or covering my nose like the the people seated near me. He accepted. I was pleased. He inspected the contents once, twice, a third time and then tossed it out on the platform at the next stop. I was shocked & upset to say the least. Not only because of his ungrateful act but because what was prepared with love for my hardworking mother ended up on the platform floor.  My anger toward him was brief, gone by the time he got off the train. I chalked it up to the fact that maybe he just wasn't that hungry :-) To follow is a poem written about a time when I wasn't so giving. Enjoy!


Walking by in haste
Trying to ignore her sullen face,
too small dress of ivory tattered lace
and outstretched palm.

I denied her
Was I wrong?
As I continued on
memory of her will not be gone.
I recall her sign's plea:
"I am a disgrace
But still apart of the human race-
Please! Please help me!"

That could be me-
Would they be amiss not care?
I turn around- rush back in despair
She's no longer there
But memory of her will not let me be.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ode to Kendra

I have five nieces and one nephew and I love them all dearly. Now I know that you are not supposed to have favorites but I do- my 9 y.o. niece Kendra.
You see Kendra was taken away from my sister who battled mental illness, and was raised by the Hale House until she was 2. Her loving and unrelenting grandma (my mother) fought to get custody and eventually Kendra came to live with us. Kendra is super smart, talented, kind and an overall good kid. But she is lacking one thing- a Father. Kendra doesn't know who her dad is and neither does my sister for that matter. She has many father figures, a grandpa & 3 uncles. But I try my best to show her more attention to help fill the void. Aunty B can't replace her father but I can make her to know that his absence doesn't make her any less special or loved.                                                  
(Kendra age 5, second from the left, with friends)

Budding Ballerina
New tights and a form fitting leotard are useless
without her magic silver-lined tutu
Puffs of tulle encircle her waist
as she poses timidly

Without her magic silver-lined tutu
she will not perform
As she poses timidly
I tell her she makes the tutu special

She will not perform unless
she knows she is the magic
I tell her she makes the tutu special
Her doubting eyes smile

She knows she is the magic
Puffs of tulle encircle her waist
Her doubting eyes smile
New tights and a form fitting leotard are useless

Sprinkle Me

Valentino Fairy Tale Pumps

Well just bathe me in pixie dust and call me Cinderella; these are absolutely exquisite. And I want both shoes placed on my feet Prince Charming, thank you!

The nude napa leather framed in rosette & organza embellishments make this shoe ethereally divine. The back tie ankle strap will ensure that these treasures stay put as you glide down the catwalk, wedding ceremony, or the streets of New York.

Are there any Fairy God Mothers (or Fathers) out there looking for a gig?
If so put me & these pumps on the top of your to-do list- thanks! LOL!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coin Toss

Your presence lifts me,
I was heartbroken to the core.
Many nights I prayed for the image of you
And was blessed with so much more
We share kisses like M&Ms
Intoxication is your scent
I have found shelter in you
Love is my landlord & pays my rent
Eternity will be our time together
We have a fire no one can tame
You are so sweet, a gift divine
I'll gladly wear your name
We dine on each others caress
And sail away on love
Hands held we skip across the moon
Shuffle and repeat all of the above

Your presence weighs me down
I wonder who is to blame
I lost myself in you
So foolish to give up my name
We no longer utter sweet nothings
Instead we scream, fuss and fight
I once could not bear to leave you
Now I plan my escape at night
Will eternity be my sentence
I ponder knowing our flame has dwindled
Is this union a gift or a curse?
I believe my heart was swindled
We are together but on our own
So we don't drown on love
Plummeting back to earth one by one
Let's try not to hold a grudge

These 2 poems reflect the stages that all relationships go through:
Brand New: Every moment together is wonderful, exciting, and perfect
True Colors:You are now comfortable in the relationship and the best behavior act you had going slowly fades- You chew with your mouth open, burp & don't say excuse. Are never on time & always have an excuse as to why. Fart on purpose in the midst of a conversion, etc.
Second Guessing: You miss being single and doing things on your own terms, on your own time, in your own way.
Rough patch: You disagree about a lot and argue more and more
: You no longer react to the things that bother you and focus only on your happiness
Separation: You have grown completely cold & think it might be best to take a time out or end it before it gets worse
Renewed Love: Something changes in your heart & your mind and you remember how & why you fell in love

A relationship that stands the test of time will go through all of these, probably more than once.
And it will be that much stronger because of it.

****ADDENDUM*** Subway Lessons

In light of my subway ride home, I realized there are a few things that I forgot to mention:

  • Rush hour is more than an hour: AM 7-10 , PM 4-7. So plan accordingly because the train will be crowded.
  • Your bag did not pay $2.25 so move it off the darn seat.
  • When boarding please move into the middle where there is empty space. The scores of people boarding after you don't care if you're getting off next stop.
  • If you feel your eyes getting heavy, automatically point your head downward. The person next to you doesn't want to be head butted while you nod in & out of sleep. And they don't want their shoulder used as a head rest either.
  • Please do not commence to eating a 3 course meal on the train. The train car doesn't substitute for a cafeteria or your front porch. It's INAPPROPRIATE.
  • This is also not the place for personal grooming of any kind. Clipping fingernails, applying lotion to your cracked heels, digging in your ears or anything similar will not be tolerated. HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE.
  • Lastly the GOLDEN RULE, give up your seat to a pregnant or elderly person when you're able. It shows that you're kind and that you have class.

Subway Lessons

With all the classes offered in New York: Piano, Foreign Language, Tango, Yoga, etc. why hasn’t anyone come up with – How to Ride the Darn Subway Properly Lessons – ????
Clearly it is something that needs to be taught to the many people who move here from other cities. Refresher courses would also be available for the natives- some of you have forgotten (and the privileged only took the hail-a-cab course). That being said, I have taken it upon myself to create these guidelines for the most common offenses:

1. Please let the passengers get off before you get on. You would think this is a no brainer but so often the outgoing riders are stampeded by those boarding.

2. Book bags more than 4. 5 inches are considered a weapon. To avoid causing a possible concussion, take off the bag and hold it or put it on the ground next to you.

3. The pole is not just for you. It is to be shared with other passengers – not covered by your backside or cradled in your arms.

4. If you sit in front of the train map, don’t be surprised if tourists or the like begin to hover. Sidebar- can we please find another spot for the map or do away with them all together. THEY DON'T HELP.

5. If you have on an I-pod or headphones, I should not hear every syllable to the song especially if seated on the other end of the train. The music level should be low enough to hear any pertinent announcements and to save your hearing. And furthermore, no boom boxes!

6. Please keep your phone conversations brief and inconspicuous. I do not need to hear about the good Mexican lunch that gave you bad diarrhea for the duration of my entire train ride-thanks!

My Dream McQueen's

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

High On a Shelf

He was my Present
I accepted his past
Coming from opposite planes
We couldn't avoid the crash.

Me- the Optimist
Always leading with my heart,
Sensed some damage
But thought his edginess was sharp

He- the sad boy
Turned conflicted man,
Floating on resentment
In a pool of unresolved feelings

A father who fled
His son he never knew
A mother who hit
From frustration she grew
of the child
that resembled
the man
who left them.

He wanted to love
wanted to care
But a heart this vulnerable
Would not dare
Expose itself.

Instead it remained
On a shelf
Out of my reach
And everyone else

I tried to endure
his love tug-of-war
the anger---the distance---
Too much to ignore

So we left,
my heart and me.

My Debut

What's a new grad who majored in English Language Arts & minored in Media Studies to do with this new found free time? Make her debut into the Blogosphere of course! I came up with the title "Poetry, Prose & Pumps" three things that I take delight in. I have been writing poetry since I was an insecure teen. Now that I am a G.A.W (grown ass woman), my writing has matured and I have a body of work that includes a play, short stories, essays, and creative writing pieces. I plan to use this space to share them from time to time. And the pumps part, well I've been in love with high heels since age 8. I would put on Mommy's best pumps and pretend I was Tina Tuner: jean jacket, black mini, big hair and all. Pictures of my most coveted shoes---the ones I wished I owned--- will be showcased on this blog as well. I'm doing this purely for me- for my love of words & writing and a mean shoe. But I do want to hear from you. Let me know when you feel me and when you don't. That's all for now folks but please stay tuned.