Sunday, May 2, 2010

Veritas Lux Mea

- Finding your own identity can be hard, but once you do - Claim it- OWN it!
- Big girls do cry, but when they're done, they dry their eyes and put their best face forward
- Good friends are the fortune you hope to inherit
- Everyone needs a little dirt to grow so when disaster strikes, try to come out of it like a blossoming rose, not a cactus
- Give with reckless abandon and you will receive abundantly
- Education is privilege POWER
- Love yourself, treat yourself, be your own best friend
- You can't be everywhere all the time- sometimes saying "No" is necessary
- Negativity attracts negativity so if you want good outcomes surround yourself with positive people
- A broken heart always heals but you still need to be selective when giving it away
- Potential feeds on Persistence; If at first you don't succeed....
- I need to lose like 30 pounds- until then I'm going to be the best me in this body
- All of my missteps are part of my progress so I'm grateful
- Prayer is how I stay balanced & optimistic
- Each sunrise & sunset reminds me of how blessed I am
- Truth is my light: Veritas Lux Mea

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